Rashguards with UV protection

Rashguards, Sunguards and Chillguards.

Children's wetsuits and rashguards with UV protection.

Active filters

Rashguard Ascan long sleeve black
  • -20 Lv

Rashguard Ascan long sleeve black

89 Lv 69 Lv -20 Lv

Wetsuit Rashguard Ascan long sleeve black

Not only limited to UV-inhibiting textile use, sun protective clothing may also adhere to specific design parameters – including styling appropriate to full coverage of the skin most susceptible to UV damage. Long sleeves, full collars, and full-length trousers and skirts are common styles for clothing as a sun protective measure

Chillguard Ascan Thermoshirt with UV protection
  • -70 Lv

Ascan Thermoshirt

159 Lv 89 Lv -70 Lv

Chillguard Ascan Thermoshirt

Very comfortable, warm shirt with fluffy inside. Material: 0.5 mm environmentally friendly polytex with UV protection (UPF50 +).